School Policies
This handbook is meant for parents and students who have already been accepted to AIS with the hopes of providing them with answers to their questions. If, after reading this handbook, you still have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
At Abroad International School written, taught and assessed curricula are interdependent. Assessment is an important tool to evaluate what students know and can do. Therefore, it is essential to determine when, how, and what to assess for planning, teaching, and learning.
At Abroad International School we believe language plays an essential role in all learning areas. We recognize that language development is an ongoing process. Students learn language, about language, through language and therefore, we acknowledge that all teachers are language teachers.
This document outlines Abroad International School Osaka’s philosophy and practices on academic integrity and provides guidance for members of the school community.
● It provides the school with clear definitions of different aspects of academic integrity.
● It provides the school with a set of expectations that will promote consistency in approach and implementation.
It is the philosophy of AIS that each student and employee of the School has the right to study and work in an environment that is free of health and safety hazards and is protected as far as possible against the risks of contagious diseases or conditions. AIS also believes that every individual has an important role to play in safeguarding their own health (e.g., staying home when sick, etc.) and that of others.
Abroad International School is committed to using educational technology to improve the learning experiences and achievements of all our students. Personal Devices provide us with opportunities to inspire and motivate our children to achieve their full potential, develop knowledge, understanding, and skills through creative, critical thinking and problem-solving and engage them fully in their learning.
AIS believes that the use of technology, including any school devices, personal devices, softwares, internet, etc., offers unique resources for students and teachers and is therefore pleased to bring these services to its students. The school's goal in providing this service to students is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication in support of education and for uses consistent with the educational objectives of AIS.
Abroad International School strongly believes that all of its students, regardless of their differences, should be provided with authentic learning opportunities. The school will, at its best, utilize its resources and facilities to maximize student access for this provision. AIS promotes the IB principle to “encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right” (IBO, 2004, p. 4).
Abroad International School (AIS) Child Protection Policy is to maintain a school environment free of child abuse/neglect and provide a safe learning environment for the students. The Child Protection Policy intends to demonstrate the school’s commitment to preventing child abuse/neglect and clarifies the requirements for the child’s protection. It also demonstrates that the school takes this issue seriously and is willing to take on any duty and responsibility to create a safe and healthy environment for the students.
Abroad International School aims to have a positive school climate, therefore we encourage a calm, purposeful, and happy atmosphere within Abroad International School, where students can grow up to be multilingual, inquiring, and open-minded lifelong learners who are respectful of all cultures. Our well-being & behavior policy is rooted in the belief that all members of the school regardless of age, gender, race, color, religion, or disability.